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When conducting a search or creating a data query, it is common to identify a known taxon or group of taxa to narrow down the records or results returned.


# S3 method for data_request
identify(x, ..., search = TRUE)



An object of class data_request, created using galah_call()


one or more scientific names (if search = TRUE) or taxonomic identifiers (if search = FALSE); or an object of class ala_id (from search_taxa).


(logical); should the results in question be passed to search_taxa?


A tibble containing identified taxa.


galah_identify() is used to identify taxa you want returned in a search or a data query. Users to pass scientific names or taxonomic identifiers with pipes to provide data only for the biological group of interest.

It is good to use search_taxa() and search_identifiers() first to check that the taxa you provide to galah_identify() return the correct results.

See also

galah_identify(), with which this function is synonymous; search_taxa() to find identifiers from scientific names; search_identifiers() for how to get names if taxonomic identifiers are already known.