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In the ALA, all records are associated with an identifier that uniquely identifies the taxon to which that record belongs. Once those identifiers are known, this function allows you to use them to look up further information on the taxon in question. Effectively this is the inverse function to search_taxa(), which takes names and provides identifiers. The resulting tibble of taxonomic information can also be passed to galah_identify() to filter queries to the specified taxon or taxa.





string: A vector containing one or more taxonomic identifiers, given as strings.


An object of class tbl_df, data.frame (aka a tibble) and ala_id

containing taxonomic information.

See also

search_taxa() for how to find species by (scientific) names. galah_identify(), galah_select(), galah_filter() and galah_geolocate() for other ways to restrict the information returned by atlas_occurrences() and related functions.


if (FALSE) {
# Look up a unique taxon identifier
search_identifiers(query = "")